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English translation for "state theatre"


Related Translations:
kokusao theatre:  国际剧场
rainbow theatre:  彩虹剧院
chaplin theatre:  卓别林剧院
wharf theatre:  码头戏院
abbey theatre:  阿贝戏院艾比剧院
kodak theatre:  柯达剧院柯院
hawaii theatre:  夏威夷剧院
miami theatre:  迈阿密剧院
newport theatre:  新宝
theatre acoustics:  影院音响学
Example Sentences:
1.After the revolution in 1917 , chagall briefly became director of vitebsk art school before designing murals for the jewish state theatre in moscow
2.In addition to the famous hamburg state opera , the city has two state theatres and 36 privately run theatres as well as 47 public and private museums , including the renowned hamburger kunsthalle . there are also exotic museums such as the erotic art museum in st . pauli and numerous cinemas
除了著名的汉堡国家剧院,这个城市还有两个市立剧院和36个私立剧院, 47家公共和私立博物馆,其中包括著名的汉堡艺术馆以及设于圣保利、富有异国特色的异国艺术博物馆和数量众多的电影院。
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